About Us

Here at Scooters Mart...........we’re on a mission!

We want to make sure that everyone knows how good scootering or kicking is for your health and well-being. The problem is people have too much FUN to really care how good they are for the body.

Our Timeline

Personally I have been Scootering or Kicking now for 23 years and still love it.  Here is a bit of a timeline to give you an idea of some of the crazy things we have done.

November 2000

I was first introduced to scooters while working for Kickbike in New Zealand. Within six months of kicking, I set new personal bests in running at the age of 39.

January 2002
Business Start Up

I purchased Kickbike Australia and relocated to Brisbane, marking the start of my journey to promote and expand the scooter community in Australia.

November 2005
First 100km

I completed my first 100km kick in the "Around the Bay in a Day" event in Melbourne. Since then, I’ve accomplished about 12-13 more 100km kicks, including 5 rides from Brisbane to the Gold Coast.

August 2008
First World Championships

I attended my first Footbike World Championships in the Netherlands. The experience was transformative, and I fell in love with both the sport and the vibrant community surrounding it.

March 2009
Australian Footbike Association

I founded the Australian Footbike Association Inc. with the aim of organizing and promoting footbike racing events across Australia, fostering a competitive spirit and camaraderie among enthusiasts.

July 2010
Ivrea, Italy

I led a team of six to the World Championships in Ivrea, Italy. Our team celebrated as Ali Hassan secured a remarkable 3rd place finish in the sprint event.

October 2011
first Queensland Event

I participated in my first Cycle Queensland event, an adventurous 540km ride from Goondiwindi to Brisbane over nine days, averaging 70km per day.

July 2012

I took a team of seven to the Footbike World Championships in Germany. Ali Hassan won two World Championship titles, and Alan Stewart achieved 3rd place in his age group.

October 2012
Second Queensland Event

I embarked on my second Cycle Queensland ride, a 530km journey from Gayndah to Noosa over nine days, further deepening my love for long-distance riding.

August 2014
Czech Republic

I led a dedicated team of nine to the Footbike World Championships in Losser, Czech Republic, continuing our tradition of competitive participation on the world stage.

July 2016
Our Own Event

I successfully organized the Footbike World Championships on the Gold Coast, Australia. With the help of around 20 volunteers, we hosted 68 competitors in a memorable event.

August 2018

I attended the Footbike World Championships in the Netherlands, where our team celebrated as David Bye achieved a commendable 3rd place in his age group.

July 2020
MIBO Brand

I introduced the MIBO brand of scooters to Australia, expanding our offerings and providing more options for scooter enthusiasts nationwide.

December 2021
Yeboo Brand

I introduced the Yedoo brand of scooters and Yedoo Balance Bikes to Australia bringing even more options to the Australian Market.

Covid and Beyond

Despite the challenges of the COVID era, we aim to revive our event participation and encourage more achievements. Join us and make your list of accomplishments even longer than mine!

We currently have 26 people who have completed at least one 100km kick in a day, and over 40 who have managed more than 50km in a single kick.

The Most Fun On Two Wheels

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