Kickbike the Ideal Cross Training Machine

A Kickbike big scooter makes a superb addition to the cross-training workouts of athletes, sportspeople and fitness enthusiasts.

In fact, it’s one of the best pieces of cross-training equipment you can own.

Why? Because the Kickbike develops your:

› Cardio
› Core strength, and
› Lower body

… all without the injury-causing heavy impact of other exercises.

Kickbike gives your body both a thorough workout, and a reprieve from the stresses, strains and pains of repetitive pounding.

Low-impact effectiveness

Cross training for running is an excellent example of where the Kickbike adult scooter’s low-impact effectiveness really shines.

And nobody knows this better than Kickbike’s Australian distributor, Bruce Cook (below).

Bruce is a long-time fitness enthusiast and adventure sportsman. A few years back, the fine folk at Kickbike New Zealand sent Bruce his first Kickbike scooter to try.

Bruce was aged 39 and running six days a week in training for events. He decided to build a cross-training program around the Kickbike, so he cut his running back to two days a week, rode a bike one day, and hit his new big scooter four to five days a week.

Better with age – thanks to cross training

After just five months the results were stunning.

Bruce set personal best times for the 5km and 10km runs, and the half-marathon.

At age 39 he was beating his best times set way back in his early 20s.

How? Bruce says it’s the low-impact nature of the Kickbike workout that allows such positive results.

Say goodbye to pain and injury

With an adult scooter, it’s possible to train heavily without incurring a stress injury, and to even maintain a fitness and conditioning program while recovering from stress injury.

And unlike other cross-training machines, such as an elliptical trainer, the Kickbike action closely mimics the mechanics of running.

Fitter, faster, fresher

A Kickbike also differs from standard cross-training routines, which are usually performed in cramped gyms under fluoro lights, in that the Kickbike allows you to enjoy the fresh air and passing scenery of the great Australian outdoors.

So if you want to be fitter, faster and in less pain, you should consider a cross-training program centred around the amazing Kickbike adult scooter.